Thursday, March 21, 2013

What is Social Media?

What is Social Media?

Social media is an interactive form of online media, allowing everyday individuals, like you and me, to participate in the creation and development of the content of the media. So we are not just receptive to the media, like in traditional media methods, but are allowed to be a part of it! It not only allows us to communicate effectively with one another over the internet but also allows us to share our thoughts, videos, pictures, likes and dislikes with the rest of the world – and to find out their opinions on it in real time. It allows us to network, talk, share and participate with various business contacts, friends, and communities by the click of a button.

There are a variety of Social media, including YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter and name a few. It is clear why Social media are the words on everyone’s lips!

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